I often say that "When it comes to food, foxes have no friends." Little Sionnach just proved me wrong.
"I know this isn't the dog forum, but I feel like I know you all better. My border collie, Maisey was hit by a car the other night/ early morning. She is a rescue who was terribly abused for her first two years and only kept outside. She's 5 now but still sometimes in summer she won't listen and won't come inside. We called for and looked for her for 3 hours the other night but we couldn't find her and she wouldn't come in. Nonetheless, my neighbors who have a dog door (and love her as much as I do), heard her come in their house at 2:30am (Carol said she looked at the clock when she heard the dog door). Then around 5 am, the husband told Maisey to go outside because she was making "a lot of noise" ... they had NO idea she was hurt.
Long story longer... in the morning my neighbor, Bill (said husband) called to me from across the horse pasture frantically saying that he didn't know where Maisey was and she was really hurt (when they really woke up, they saw the blood). He didn't realize this at 5 am and now, after seeing blood, etc, was frantic.
We found her, left front leg "skinned" to the bone and listless. Bill and Carol, my dear, dear, neighbors helped me get her into the truck and to the vet.
48 plus hours later she is home and trying to recouperate. She was very munched in the accident - liver and internal organs bruised plus the terrible leg injury. No broken bones but NO ligaments left whatsoever. She'll need her ankle fused at some point.
Maisey likes to be with the horse - lay near her and follow her around. She NEVER goes near the road (quite a ways) but my horse was able to graze next door and their big pasture goes all the way to the road. We think she followed the horse out there near the road and that's why she was hit.
I've been thinking, re-thinking and fretting about every decision I've made since that night (why didn't I try to look for her more, why didn't I make her stay inside, etc, etc.). What I really need is prayer for Maisey - or good thoughts or however your feelings tend towards. I feel like it's my fault to a large degree - however - I need to stay positive for her, I feel.
She ate this morning. Actually, Sion LOVES her and he pushed his bowl onto the floor this morning (we feed him on the table - he eats what he want sand then often pushes over his food dish). He usually doesn't care which dog eats the rest, but this morning he geckered at Wyatt who was trying to eat the scraps and Sion PUSHED THE BOWL TO MAISEY. I swear to this and may God strike me dead if I'm making this up!!!! It was the first time she'd eaten since late Tuesday.
SORRY for the rediculously long post. However it feels good to sort it all out in writing. GOOD NEWS is my vet and friend, Theo Schuff said to feed her some good, raw, red meat as it would be good for her blood and body. I bought some all natural ground beef and she ate it heartily tonight! Hooray for Maisey, but she is not out of the woods yet - I would appreciate and be thankful for all your prayers.
With much gratitude,
I just thought I'd share that. I hope you all keep Maisey in your thoughts and prayers, and wish her a speedy recovery.
A pic of Sion and Maisey (Sorry, this was the biggest I had).
That's so sweet! It made me think of my grandparents dog, and Australian Sheperd name Sydney. She always chased cars and one day got hit. We found her in the back of the woods by their house. For the next three days there 21 year old (and yes she is very old and brittle) Dachshund Terrier mix, Short Dog, had searched for Sydney frantically, despite her being so tired. On the third day after Sydney had passed away and Shot Dog had searched for her, me and my grandmother went on a walk. We walked to the woods to see Sydney's grave. And laying on top of it was Short Dog. I hope they're both happy together wherever they may both be now. Anyways, thank you for sharing this! And I know that the comment is about two years late but I couldn't keep myself for posting it.